Wednesday 5 March 2014

Current Resources

As with most things I start, I have gone and accumulated a load of things to use for this venture.

I have picked up Colloquial Arabic of the Gulf States which seems very light on the audio portions of the course. But I normally like this publisher and used it extensively when learning Czech.

The Pimsleur books are pretty impressive. I have the Teach Yourself Gulf Arabic. Structure lessons like the Old Canadian French Text but much more approachable and reasonable in their layout.

I also picked up  Assimil - L'Arabe Sans Peine. A French language text for learning Arabic, It has the best explanations of text to and grammar so far. And I am amazed how much French I am able to read. I still have no ability to read it though.

I also have Earworms and Rapid Arabic from iTunes on the iPod and iPad. Easy purchase and lots of basic phrases but I am uncertain if they are the correct Arabic for the Gulf. They are easy to use and can be pulled up anywhere.

Rosetta Stone and such are still available. I am holding off on those until I try these out first.

Finally, there are the absolutely free web resources like local papers published online, podcasts and Television and Radio shows. I am picking these up on a regular basis.

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